Dressing Responsibly: The Ripple Effect of Sustainable Fashion

What is Sustainability when it Comes to Clothing Brands?

What does it mean to be sustainable?  That involves meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It's a holistic approach that seeks to balance economic, environmental, and social considerations to create a harmonious and enduring system. In various contexts, such as environmental sustainability or sustainable development, the term implies responsible resource use, conservation, and a commitment to minimizing negative impacts on ecosystems, society, and the economy.

In the context of a clothing brand sustainability encompasses using environmentally friendly materials, implementing ethical manufacturing practices, reducing waste, and considering the social and economic well-being of those involved in the production process. The goal is to create products and systems that have a positive impact on the planet and its inhabitants, both now and in the future.

The importance of sustainability in the fashion industry cannot be overstated, and when it comes to making a meaningful impact, focusing on water conservation is a game-changer.

Read below to see how we at Waterfront Club are keeping sustainability top of mind.

The Ripple Effect of Sustainable Fashion

Clothing brands are no longer just about style and trends, but also about minimizing environmental impact. Choosing sustainable materials, employing eco-friendly manufacturing processes, and promoting responsible consumption are all key components. One of the most significant strides a brand can take is addressing the water footprint of its products.

What we do at Waterfront Club

From our products to our shipping materials, Waterfront Club has made it our mission to be water-positive. Not only that, but with every purchase, a percentage of the proceeds goes directly to charities improving the health of our planet’s water!  Read more about that here.

Our Products

All of our products are proudly Made in the USA, which helps cut down unnecessary carbon emissions associated with shipping containers of clothes around the world.  American environmental laws are also a lot more strict than most countries that mass produce many big clothing brands, helping curb any pollution during the production process.

Our Process

Our sustainability focus doesn’t stop at our fabric, even the process we use to put our designs on our apparel utilizes recycling materials down to the leftover ink that’s given to a local art shop.  Approximately 20% of all water pollution comes from the textile industry, with over 200,000 tons of dye lost to the sewage system every year.  By focusing on reusing water and resources to make our products we are limiting are footprint at every step of the way.

Poly Mailers

Our poly-mailers are recycled, recyclable, and reusable!  They are made from 100% recycled plastics held to the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) and are designed using eco-friendly inks.  We even added a second self-sealing adhesive strip so customers can easily reuse them!  We don't compromise on quality either - our mailers are durable, tough, weatherproof, and tearproof so they keep you order safe and dry!  By giving plastics in circulation a second life and encouraging our customers to recycle them after use, we're keeping single-use plastics from ending up in landfills.

Making Waves for a Better Tomorrow

In the world of fashion, every choice we make has a ripple effect. By embracing sustainable practices, we can pave the way for a brighter, more eco-conscious future. As consumers, we can champion change by supporting brands that prioritize water conservation. Together, we can transform the fashion industry into a force for good—one drop at a time.

Remember, the next time you slip into a garment from a Waterfront Club, you're not just making a fashion statement; you're making a statement about the kind of world you want to live in. Choose sustainability, make waves, and let's fashion a future where style meets stewardship.

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